What is leadership development

03 / 03 / 2023
What exactly is leadership development about and why is it important?

In the past, technical expertise was the best guarantee for promotion to the executive level. Meanwhile, awareness has grown that the best tax expert, computer scientist or accountant will not necessarily be the best manager.

Fortunately, because the impact of a manager on the well-being and productivity of his team is considerable. As a leader, your performance is crucial in how your employees will carry out their work.

A better manager simply leads to better results. That is why it is important to raise your leadership qualities to a higher level and to invest in your growth. Enter: leadership development.


Leadership development is a specialised process that helps individuals refine their leadership skills. It literally engages leaders and helps them grow in management capabilities.


But make no mistake: leadership development focuses primarily on strengthening and developing leadership qualities. In addition, it is also frequently used in organisations that are going through a change process.

The process then focuses on embracing, adopting and integrating changes. Both on an innovative level and on a human level. Think, for example, of the generation change that is imminent.

Finally, leadership development is relevant both for potentials who the organisation expects to land a key position in the future as well as for senior executives already in a leadership role.


Of all the factors in the work environment, the manager has the greatest impact on the team in terms of productivity, job satisfaction and commitment.

However, various surveys and studies show that most employees perceive their manager as demotivating.


In a recent international survey by Hay Group, 55% of respondents said they experience a demotivating work climate and believe the manager plays a vital role in this.

Which is a shame because such negativity undermines good performance. A bad manager does not offer much in terms of positive human and organisational performance.

A strong manager, on the other hand, ensures more commitment and motivation. This in turn leads to higher productivity. In short: leadership development can bring a lot to your organisation.


A sustainable leadership development programme maps out the working environment, organisational culture and stakeholders in order to identify more accurately which competencies are important for successful performance. The norms and values of the organisation are often part of the programme.


This is an excellent opportunity for management to take a closer look at the organisational culture. Cultural change works exponentially if you start with the people in charge. Sample behaviour by management is a must and gives a boost to any change process.


By taking action on leadership development, you show your employees that value is attached to strong leadership in the organisation.

Moreover, the attitude and behaviour of the leader is crucial in promoting a positive work climate. A good manager, for example, has an active listening attitude and shows sufficient appreciation to his employees. During a leadership development programme, strong emphasis is placed on such competencies.


The lightning speed of digital information is forcing many companies to review their business model. Today, in 2021, it is essential to regularly review and update strategic plans. Change is inevitable, no matter what.


The ability of a leader to not only navigate new territory, but to do so while maintaining authority and respect, is critical.

Executives who fail to adapt to their changing environment find their company's chances of survival shrinking. A strong leader must be able to cope with such change trajectories.

This is where leadership development comes in. It provides leaders with the necessary tools to get started with new work processes or strategies.


The war for talent is not only about attracting new talent, but also about keeping experienced employees on board. However, many employees leave their jobs because they experience a demotivating work climate.

The manager plays an essential role here. The way employees are supported by their manager has a demonstrable impact on absenteeism, staff turnover and the feasibility of working longer.


And: employees who are well coached are 50% less sick and four times less likely to seek other work. Happy employees are therefore not only more productive, but also less likely to think that the grass is greener on the other side.

A good manager or executive leaves enough space for family and private life, gives his employees the chance to develop themselves and shows genuine appreciation.


A strong manager creates a positive domino effect: he or she ensures greater job satisfaction, which in turn produces productive, creative and committed employees who are sick less often and stay in service longer.

And satisfied employees? Finally, they ensure satisfied customers. With all the positive consequences that this entails. Leadership development teaches you to consciously and successfully respond to the interplay between profit, people and planet. In short, it lays the foundation for better results.


Do you want to raise your leadership qualities to a higher level? Or do you want to prepare potentials in your organisation for an executive position? Then a leadership development programme is ideal.

At Quintessence we focus strongly on this area. Quintessential Leadership Development goes a lot further than any other leadership programme. We help leaders grow in management skills and in seamlessly combining the various facets of leadership.

We start with the natural preference of the leader. Does he go flat out for figures, for his people or for his environment? Does he combine these perspectives? What can make him more successful? What can he draw energy from? How can the integration of stakeholder expectations be improved? Where are the win-win opportunities? How can we overcome barriers and solve jammers?

During a Leadership Development programme we set the manager in motion. We start with insight into the present and guide them towards more coherent leadership for the future.

If you are interested, do not hesitate to contact us.



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